Sunday, June 04, 2006

Cow Hollow Cutters...and Colors--"Dis Is It!"

This is Cow Hollow Cutters...and Colors, 2803 Greenwich Street, San Francisco. We are located at the western end of Greenwich between Baker and Lyon Streets. At the end of Greenwich Street is the Presidio Wall, and just a block away is George Lucas' Letterman Digital Laboratories. Three popular restaurants are within a block from us: Liverpool Lil's, Baker Street Bistro and The Curbside. Another well-known business in our little community is Phil's Electric, on the corner of Baker and Lombard Streets.

The 45 Greenwich Muni stops on our corner, and the 43 Masonic Muni stops a block away, at Lombard and Lyon Streets. Parking is usually easy in this neighborhood. It is one of San Francisco's secret little residential-business areas that is not overly congested.

Although small, Cow Hollow Cutters...and Colors is a light and airy space for haircutting and color services. Please visit our unique workshop and gallery, or call for an appointment. Robb can be reached at 415.563.6140, and Hannah's business number is 415.440.6033.