Tuesday, January 17, 2006

On-line Appointments Available for Robb

You can get an appointment with Robb for a haircut or other hair service by calling directly at 415.563.6140, or you can use our email address www.cowhollowcutters@mindspring.com.

Bob Walsh's "Micro-ISV" just published

One of the best things about operating a storefront service business like Cow Hollow Cutters...and Colors is getting to know our clients, and we have a diverse and dynamic clientele here! Busy, professional and creative people from all over the Bay Area have found our unique little space on the northern slope of San Francisco, and they are always sharing their current projects with us.

One of our favorite tech guys, Bob Walsh, has just published a book, "Micro-ISV", which is available on Amazon.com.

"Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality" explains what works and why in today's emerging micro-ISV sector. Currently, thousands of programmers build and deliver great solutions ISV-style, earning success and revenues much larger than you might guess. Written by and for micro-ISVs, with help from some of the leaders of the field&emdash;this book takes you beyond just daydreaming to running your own business. It thoroughly explores how it is indeed possible to launch and maintain a small and successful ISV business, and is an ideal read if you're interested in getting started.

The book is getting great reviews, which you can read at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1590596013/ref=ase_safarisoftwar-20/103-1278362-5832631?n=283155&tagActionCode=safarisoftwar-20.